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Welcome to Russell Hall Nursery

      We offer a part-time Nursery session in the afternoons from 12.15pm-3.15pm.

In Nursery the class Teacher is Miss Bailey.  Miss Bailey is also the Deputy Headteacher. Mrs Spencer is the Nursery Nurse and she has worked at Russell Hall for many years and comes with a wealth of experience.

The children take home a reading book each Monday and these are to be returned the following Monday. Sharing stories with children is vital to their early reading skills and promoting their love of reading so we encourage the children to choose the books they wish to take home and share.

Our children in Nursery learn through ‘play’ and although we follow an overarching theme, the majority of our provision is led by the interests of the children. Our learning takes place both indoors and outdoors with both areas being supervised by adults at all times. The children are encouraged to be independent learners and make their own choices about their learning through play.

The children have access to free fruit/veg and water or milk in Nursery each day.

Please check our ClassDojo page for regular updates and photos of our learning.