Welcome to Class 6
Mr Lugg is our teacher. Mrs Mouncey is our teaching assistant and Miss Martindale is our Learning Support Assistant.
In Year 6 there is a focus on embedding the knowledge and skills that pupils have learned in previous years, particularly in Writing and Mathematics.
There are many new and exciting things to learn in Year 6, including the the Titanic, the Mayan civilisation, world climate and global trade. Year 6 children will also be involved in a two night residential at Fanwood Activity Centre.
Homework is set on Monday to be returned the following Monday. Please ensure that you listen to your child read at home at least 3-4 times a week. You can sign their reading record when they have finished their book to indicate that they are ready to take an Accelerated Reader quiz.
Our PE day is Friday. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school.
Our 2024 trip in Year 6 is a 2 night residential in July to Fanwood Activity Centre.
Useful websites for Year 6 are: https://www.theschoolrun.com/ which gives explanations and examples of SPaG and maths terms.
https://whiterosemaths.com for maths resources and helpful videos https://mathsbot.com/questionsIWB – for maths questions useful for revision
Regular reading at home and practise of spellings and number facts (e.g. times tables) is some of the best revision the children can do.
Below you will also find lots of links to different websites which will help children to prepare for their End of Key Stage Assessments: