Welcome to Class 3
Miss Walters is our Teacher and is on maternity leave, Miss Jackson is covering. Miss Redman is our Teaching Assistant and Miss Downes and Miss Samples are our Learning Support Assistants.
Our P.E. days are on Monday and Thursday.
As part of our music curriculum, children in Class 3 will have a singing coach called Mrs Artist.
Our trip this year will be to Murton Park, where we will learn all about Romans as part of our history topic.
Every Monday the children will be given a set of spellings that they need to practise on a daily basis, in preparation for a test on the following Monday. Children will also be given either maths or English homework on an alternate basis. Children are also expected to read and use Rock Stars on a daily basis.
Children will have the opportunity to gain their times table badges and will complete a timed test every Friday. If they pass, they will be awarded their badge in assembly.
The learning muscle we are working towards in Class 3 is perseverance.