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Russell Hall Primary School adheres to the Bradford syllabus for Religious Education. Queensbury is situated on the outskirts of
Bradford which is home to a wide range of religions and beliefs. We reflect the broad range of cultures and religions represented
in our school and beyond, so that children learn to be respectful and considerate of others. Children begin in Early Years by
looking at themselves and the differences between themselves and others as well as key festivals. Progressing into Key Stage
One they learn about Christianity and Islam and in Key Stage Two they move on to the five key religions as well as others
represented in our community. We enrich our curriculum and children’s understanding through visits from faith tutors and visits
to places of worship. Assemblies enhance children’s learning through stories, songs, celebration, reflection and drama. Our
intent is for children to develop the curiosity to ask well thought out questions about religion, to express their opinions and to
agree or disagree respectively.